London Photographer and Beyond

Lovely to meet you..

Photography fell into my life a long time ago. One of my earliest memories is the dark-red, magic dream world my parents inhabited by night in our family home in Lithuania. I was fascinated by images appearing in front of my tired eyes as my parents developed photographs in the bathroom-come-darkroom. I didn’t know it at the time, but cameras would become constant companions for the rest of my life – like a treasured family member.

For me, photography is more than image, memory, or even art itself. Photography is family. I do this job because I want to make peoples’ lives more memorable, united and amicable. Each photo session for me was a kind of challenge, whether I am shooting at a wedding venue in London or someone booked me as their London family photographer. I’m always nervous before the start, but then the process is so fascinating to me that all the fears go away, and I just catch the beauty with my camera. And then, at the end of the shooting, it’s such a high to see that everything turned out as it should!

See My Work

“All the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow...”